27 de abril de 2010

A perfect crime

Make the perfect crime is easy, but you have to be patient and not be in a hurry: it is a slow process.

You start looking at the person you want to kill. Knowing who their friends are, where he works, who he loves, who loves him…
You start with something easy, a small disappointment to cause a setback. You must answer “No problem! I have much time to do it while you have…” a smile and a “Come on, you can…”

You have to know a house in the middle of a forest to kill him and so, no one will know. When you go to his house, wears leather gloves and a mask so that he can’t see your face.
First of all, you have to put plastic around the house for not spotting the floor or wall. You have to have one large and one small table. The victim will be in the big table and in the small are knives, scissors, a saw, an axe…
You go to him house and you put a handkerchief in him face with chloroform and so, he will sleep for a while. While he is asleep, you have to put him in your car, drive to the house that you have in the woods and tie him to the table.

When he is awake, start your job!
You take the saw and you cut his body into pieces. You start by his hands, and then you cut the arm in two parts. With his legs so the same process: you cut the feet, and leg also in two parts. All you need to cut off his head with an axe. When you have all cut into pieces, wrap the pieces of his body, tools and plastics in the room and get into garbage bags. You put all the bags in your car and go to the port. Finally, throw it all into the sea.

24 de abril de 2010


Por que se odias a alguén... co paso do tempo... acabas queréndoo?
Non sería a primeira vez que pasa... ou que me vas dicir agora que a ti nunca che pasou?


- Sabes que estaba pensando en ti...
- Sempre estás pensando en min.
Hai que estar moi atento ó que está ó teu carón, porque de súpeto, pódeche pasar algo que che alegre o día...

E despois de dicirme iso, bicoume apaixoadamente.


- Como te chamas?
- Como ti queiras...


— É como se ves a alguén por primeira vez, alguén con quén te cruzas pola rúa. Mirádesvos por uns segundos e nace unha especie de "atracción". Sentides que os dous compartides algo e nun intre o outro esfúmase e xa é moi tarde. Sempre recordas que estaba aí e o deixaches escapar, pensas ¿E se me parara? ¿E por que non lle dixen algo? ¿E se...? ¿E se...? pode que pase poucas veces na vida.
— Ou so unha.

5 de abril de 2010

Vaise acercando a data tan sinalada na túa axenda.
Para ti é especial,
mais para o resto da xente
é outro día igual que os demais.

Recordas todo o sucedido,
tanto as risas como as lágrimas, todo...